Home Forschung & Bildung SeeMeEducate entwickelt 3D-Druck Lehrplan

SeeMeEducate entwickelt 3D-Druck Lehrplan

Das vom 3D-Drucker Hersteller SeeMeCNC gestartete Projekt “SeeMeEducate” entwickelte einen Lehrplan für 3D-Druck in Schulen.

Das 150 Seiten lange englischsprachige “Curriculum” wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen High School Lehrern entwickelt und lehrt praktische 3D-Druck Grundlagen von Software bis zur Maschinensteuerung.

Are YOU a teacher or educator looking to get 3D printing in the classroom?  Do you want to be on the cutting edge of the next digital frontier in education?  At this pace, 3D printing of ALL types is set to become a major employment market as businesses all across the globe are beginning to bring low-cost 3D printing in-house.  With more and more companies every day adopting the technology, someone needs to be teaching our students how to become successful 3D engineers!

That’s where SeeMeEducate comes in.  With our cutting edge yet affordable 3D printers, outstanding customer support, online community resources and more, we can get you off to a great start in classroom based 3D printing.

But, that’s not all.  We also develop curriculum for teaching everything from the basics, like software and machine operation, up to producing projects for the students to build their hands-on skills.  All of this curriculum is developed by actual teachers, in real life classrooms!  We have one of the best educators in the country working with us to put together the tools and materials any classroom would need.

Having course curriculum developed by actual teachers means you’ll get the material you need.  No need to develop your own classroom projects (but of course you can!).  This not only eases the start up of your courses on 3D printing, but makes it easier for you to get the school on board too.  With over 150 plus pages already you can start reading and preparing for the future right now.

An Introduction to SeeMeEducate

Der Lehrplan wurde unter der Creative Commons Lizenz veröffentlicht und kann hier geladen werden.

(c) Picture & Link: SeeMeEducate

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