Home Pressemeldungen 3D-Druck Check – neue Funktionen bei Threeding

3D-Druck Check – neue Funktionen bei Threeding

Der 3D-Modell-Marktplatz, Threeding aus Bulgarien bietet neue Features für einfacheres Drucken.

Der “3D Printability Checker”, die wichtigste Neuerung testet jedes hochgeladene 3D-Modell auf die Fähigkeit gedruckt zu werden. Damit sollen Fehldrucke und Frust eliminiert werden. Damit ist der Marktplatz noch einfacher zu nutzen und Verständnis beim gestalten von 3D-Designs wird erhöht.

Die komplette Pressemeldung:

Threeding.com launches 3D Preview and a Unique Functionality for 3D Printability Check
Threeding.com adds new functionalities to its platform for 3D printing models

Threeding.com continues to improve its 3D printing marketplace with more new functionalities. Today the company introduces two new features: 3D preview and a unique functionality for online 3D printability check. The first feature will allow users to explorer 3D printing objects from 360-degree perspective. The other one, called “3D Printability Checker”, is software that checks the 3D printing file during their upload and automatically creates a water-tight mesh. The new feathers will significantly improve user experience and guarantee safe 3D printing to buyers of models from Threeding. Both functionalities have been in-house developed.

The 3D preview will be available on web and certain mobile devices such as iPad. It is an addition to the 2D images currently available to each model. 3D images give users the type of access to models close to a real view. The textured models will be visible without colors, so users will able to explorer models geometry in better details. The feature will not be available for models with a large size and for sets of models due to technical limitations.

The software “3D printability checker” is unique for the 3D printing world. It checks automatically each 3D printing model during upload and makes it water-tight. Basically, it fixes missing polygon meshes, rounds non printable edges and fixes other issues that may disrupt the process of 3D printing. The models that have gone through ‘printability check’ will be certified as ‘3D Printability Checked’. This functionality will guarantee a safer 3D printing experience for buyers of models and will help 3D designers to convert their models for 3D printing in an easy manner.

3D Printability Checker cannot guarantee 100% printability, but it significantly improves models quality.

“3D preview of 3D printing models and 3D printability check are functionalities that make Threeding.com a world class e-commerce platform. They will give users better experience and additional security while shopping or selling via Threeding.com”, said Stan Partalev, Co-founder of Threeding.com.

Coming soon: App for Apple iOS is on the way.
Threeding is committed to improve constantly its services and the company will soon launch its long waited App for Apple iOS. Threeding iOS app will have the same features as the existing Android app. The application has been intensively tested and its launch will follow very soon.

via Threeding

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