Home 3D-Drucker Stratasys Stratasys – Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge startet

Stratasys – Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge startet

Technik-, Design-, Kunst- und Architekturstudenten/schüler weltweit können ab sofort am jährlich stattfindenden 3D-Druck Wettbewerb teilnehmen. 

Bei der Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge von Stratasys soll ein neues Produkt kreiert oder ein altes weiterentwickelt werden, das für die Durchführung einer Aufgabe notwendig ist. Die Einreichungen sollen mechanisch einwandfrei, realistisch und erreichbar sein. Beurteilt wird das bis spätestens 11. Februar 2015 einzureichende Projekt nach den Kriterien mechanisch einwandfreies Design, Kreativität, Umsetzbarkeit und Ästhetik (im Bereich Kunst und Architektur).

Details zur Challenge findest du in der folgenden Pressemeldung von Stratasys:

Minneapolis & Rehovot, Israel – Sept. 16, 2014 – Stratasys Ltd. (Nasdaq:SSYS), a leading global provider of 3D printing and additive manufacturing solutions, is now accepting submissions to the 11th annual Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge.

Open to students worldwide, this annual 3D printing challenge invites students in engineering, design and art or architecture to create a new product that improves how a task is accomplished or to redesign an existing product. Entries should be mechanically sound, realistic and achievable, and are judged based on:

  • Sound mechanical design and part integrity
  • Compelling description (written and/or video)
  • Design creativity
  • Product usefulness
  • Aesthetics (art or architecture category)

Individual students or two-person teams are required to create designs using 3D CAD software and to submit their design files in .STL format to Stratasys online, along with a written description and/or a 30-second video explaining the value and benefit of the Extreme Redesign model. The deadline to submit entries is Feb. 11, 2015. Categories include:

  • Engineering: Secondary Education (middle and high school)
  • Engineering: Post-Secondary (university, college or post-secondary)
  • Art or architecture (any grade level)

New this year, the first-place student winner in the post-secondary category will win a trip to a 3D printing/additive manufacturing conference in 2015 (location to be determined). First-place winners in every category will receive $2,500 (US dollars) scholarships, and the instructor of the first-place student will receive a demo 3D printer for a limited time to use in the classroom. Second and third place winners will receive $1,000 (US dollars) scholarships. The top-10 entries in each category will receive a Stratasys apparel item (value up to $50) and regional semi-finalists will receive a 3D printed model of their design. Each person who enters will receive an official Extreme Redesign T-shirt.

For more information about Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge and contest rules, visit the Extreme Redesign page on Stratasys’ website. Plus, follow Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge on Facebook.

via Stratasys


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