Home 3D Objekte König Richard III mit 3D-Druck rekonstruiert

König Richard III mit 3D-Druck rekonstruiert

In Zusammenarbeit mit der 3D-Druck Expertise der Loughborough University, gelang es der University of Leicester das Skelett des Englischen Königs zu Replizieren.

Das vor einem Jahr gefundene Skelett, des beim “battle of Bosworth” getöteten Richard III, wurde mithilfe von CT Scanner unter Verwendung von Geomagic Freeform digitalisiert, und mittels Laser Sintering auf einem Formiga P 100 repliziert.

Richard III: King In The Car Park | Monday, 9pm | Channel 4
King in the Car Park: Richard III skeleton authentic

Generating the first 3D computer models was a very exciting moment. And later seeing the skull of Richard III emerge from the powder of the laser sintering machine in physical form was incredible. (…) It was quite clear to see a number of the significant injuries that he had sustained in battle, and at last the greater story of how the King met his death can be told. Recording various aspects of the remains, in both electronic and physical form, will be invaluable for future studies. (…) Our 3D printing and additive manufacturing activities span a great number of disciplines but this was an exceptionally rewarding case to be involved in. Working with Leicester on this incredible discovery has been a privilege, and it is great that two neighbouring universities have been able to share expertise to create a lasting legacy to Richard III.” so Professor Russell Harris Leiter der University’s Additive Manufacturing Research Group

(c) Picture & Link: Loughborough University via Materialise

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