Home Industrie Essentium wies die Klage von Jabil ab

Essentium wies die Klage von Jabil ab

Der texanische 3D-Drucker-Anbieter Essentium Inc. hat einen Antrag gestellt, die Vorwürfe des weltweiten Fertigungsgiganten Jabil zurückzuweisen.

In einer im Juni 2019 eingereichten Klage beschuldigte Jabil die Mitarbeiter von Essentium des Diebstahls von geistigem Eigentum (IP) im Zusammenhang mit einem Projekt, an dem dieselben Mitarbeiter in früheren Verträgen für den globalen Hersteller beteiligt waren. Konkret heißt es in der Klage

“Die HSE-Drucker von Essentium sind grundlegend veraltete Iterationen von Jabils TenX.”

Als Antwort auf die Vorwürfe schrieb Steve Birdwell, Vorsitzender des Board von Essentium, in einem Brief:

“Diese Aktion ist völlig unbegründet und wir reagieren aggressiv darauf.”

Am 20. August schrieb Blake Teipel, Ph.D. der Essentium CEO and Co-founder folgenden Schreiben:

Yesterday, Essentium moved to dismiss the lawsuit brought by Jabil (Case No. 8:19-cv-1567-T-23SPF). Our motion seeks to dismiss seventy percent of the claims asserted as being without merit as a matter of law. As for the other claims, Essentium asserts that in due course, it will demonstrate that Jabil had no trade secret or confidential information that could give rise to any claim of theft or misappropriation, nor did Essentium and the other defendants do so.

When markets such as ours face disruption, there are the disruptors and the disrupted. Typically, the incumbents are the disrupted; and these incumbents resist change. Jabil appears to be behaving like an incumbent and is attempting to derail innovation – particularly fast-paced innovation like that of Essentium and other startups. That Jabil seeks to undermine the advancement of our industry and, in effect, their own customers, is confounding.

Attempting to bully us and hinder our freedom to innovate with a meritless lawsuit will neither detract nor derail us from our broader mission, which is to transform the $12trillion dollar industrial manufacturing market through innovation and an open, holistic ecosystem.

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