25.03.13 – FabLab und Hackerspace Mitglieder aufgepasst: Aleph Objects vergibt acht LulzBot 3D-Drucker an geeignete Organisationen.
Zwischen 20.03. und 15.04.2013 können sich Hackserspaces und FabLabs für einen kostenlosen LulzBot AO-100 3D-Printer bei Aleph Objects bewerben.
Teilnahmeberechtigt sind:
Alle real existierenden “community-operated” Hackerspaces mit eigenem Raum, Webseite/Wiki, einer Grundausstattung an “hacker tools”, einer offenen Wissensphilosophie, und einem Engagement in Open Source Hardware/Software Projekten.
LulzBot wählt die 8 internationalen Gewinnern aus allen Bewerbungen. Der LulzBot AO-100 wird fertig zusammengestellt geliefert.
Update: 26.02.2014 – LulzBot vergibt erneut 8 3D-Drucker an Hackerspaces
Printer Giveaway 2014
Does your hackerspace want a 3D Printer?
Here’s your chance to win a LulzBot TAZ!We are big believers in supporting hackerspaces, and we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is. LulzBot is giving away eight (8) free TAZ 3D printers to hackerspaces to celebrate Hardware Freedom Day on Saturday March 15, 2014.
The LulzBot Hackerspace 3D Printer Giveaway is a chance for hackers who build, hack, make, and create to add 3D printing to their “to do” list. To learn about how LulzBot users are using their printers, visit the Case Studies section of our website. Learn more about Hardware Freedom Day athttp://www.hfday.org/.
PRIZE: One (1) LulzBot TAZ Desktop 3D Printer to eight (8) lucky hackerspaces.
WHO QUALIFIES: Any community-operated physical hackerspace, where people meet and work on their projects. Your hacker space must meet these hacker basics to qualify: community operated physical space; website/wiki; a basic set of hacker tools; belief in sharing resources and knowledge to build and make things; use and contribute to free software and open hardware projects and communities. For more, see:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackerspace.
SUBMISSION DATES: Saturday March 1, 2014 12 AM MT – Friday March 14, 2014, 11:59 PM MT. Winners will be notified by email and announced via our blog, on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.
CHOOSING THE WINNERS: LulzBot staff will review all entries, and choose the eight (8) hackerspaces with the most creative idea on how they will use their shiny new LulzBot 3D printer.
HOW IT WORKS: Complete the forthcoming My Hackerspace Wants a 3D Printer form when available (will be live March 1, 2014 at 12 AM MT).