Home Pressemeldungen Graphene 3D Lab stellt Ex-3D Systems Mitarbeiter als CMO ein

Graphene 3D Lab stellt Ex-3D Systems Mitarbeiter als CMO ein


Das Unternehmen Graphene 3D Lab veröffentlicht einen prominenten Neuzugang in ihren Reihen.

Gil Mayron wird der neue Chief Marketing Officer von Graphene 3D Lab. Davor war Gil im strategischen Bereich von 3D Systems tätig. Er entwickelte Distributions- und andere wichtige Partnerschaften. Ausserdem gründete Gil vor seiner Karriere bei 3D Systems BotMill einer der ersten Consumer 3D-Drucker in den USA.

Daniel Stolyarov, CEO von Graphene 3D Lab:

Gil has many years of high-level experience in negotiating, business acquisition, and in developing distribution networks in the 3-D printing industry. As the founder of one of the first desktop 3-D printing companies, Gil has exemplified his ability to build a market around new innovations. We expect Gil’s previous experience and professional network to play an important role in the commercialization of our products in the next three to six months.

Gil Mayron, neuer CMO von Graphene 3D Lab:

Graphene 3D Lab is at in important phase of growth and development. I look forward to once again being part of a rapidly growing team of innovators in the 3-D printing space. I believe my experience in business development at 3D Systems will prove valuable not only in fostering new relationships, but also in developing sales strategies which are focused on the continued growth of Graphene 3D.

via Graphene 3D Lab

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