Nano Dimension unterschreibt Vertrag mit Flextronics zur Produktion der DragonFly 2020 PCB 3D Drucker

Der israelische Entwickler des 3D Druck Verfahrens für Schaltplatinen (PCB) unterschreibt einen Vertrag mit Flextronics.

Flextronics soll den DragonFly 2020 für Nano Dimensions herstellen und das Lieferant dienen. Dies verkündet Nano Dimensions in einer Pressemeldung.

Mit dieser Partnerschaft will der Hersteller den Marktstart von dem DragonFly 2020 gerüstet sein.

Amit Dror, CEO von Nano Dimension:

“We are proud and pleased to work with Flextronics and we are confident that the company’s high standards, as well as its global reach, will enable Nano Dimension to expedite the process to bring our groundbreaking DragonFly 2020 printer to customers in the U.S. and around the world.”

Rafi Hadad, Business Development Director bei Flextronics:

“We are pleased that Nano Dimension is joining our respected list of leading technology companies that have chosen us as a manufacturer of their unique products. We look forward a fruitful partnership with Nano Dimension as we begin the process of manufacturing its high-end 3D printer.”

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