Europäische Union fördert Masterstudium für Biofabrication mit 347.500€

Die EU startet gemeinsam mit der Queensland University of Technology, in Brisbane, ein Masterstudium für Biofabrication, namens Biofab.

Geleitet wird das Masterstudium von dem niederländischen Dr. Jos Malda von der Universitair Medisch Centrum in Utrecht, das Gegenstück ist Professor Dietmar Hutmacher in Brisbane. Dabei werden 40 Studenten, jeweils 20 aus der EU und 20 aus Australien, in das Programm aufgenommen.

Aus der Application:

The emerging technology of additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) is becoming widely reported in the global media and academia as a transformative one. This approach uses a layer-by- layer principle for manufacturing, where physical objects are produced through automation. It is expected that additive manufacturing success will be extended to produce biological tissues, to address the many health challenges facing an increasingly aging population. Biofabrication could be used to repair tissue damaged by trauma, disease or cancer, while many diagnostic applications and pharmaceutical systems could benefit from technologies developing. An education in biofabrication also provides an effective platform for a career in additive manufacturing, which is broader and impact areas beyond medicine.

[…] Ultimately BIOFAB will recruit international students beyond 2017 once is established as an elite educational degree.

Professor Dietmar W. Hutmacher, Leiter des Master Studienprogramms:

This degree is a vital step in ensuring Australia is a high-value, high-tech manufacturer in the future. Graduates will be at the forefront of an industry that will always be in high demand given the ageing of populations around the world and which cannot be easily replicated by any other country. Each of the four universities has established a track record in key areas of biofabrication, including polymer chemistry, cell biology and clinical implants. The universities will each admit 10 students to the degree who will graduate with a multidisciplinary outlook and expertise which would be welcome anywhere in the world.


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