Shapeways stellt API für Entwickler zur Verfügung

Der 3D-Druck Dienstleister Shapeways stellt eine API für Entwickler zur Verfügung.

Shapeways bietet nun eine API an, die es Entwicklern ermöglicht eigene Applikationen für den Marktplatz und das Druckservice zu Erstellen.


Our marketplace of 3D printed products is a new economic engine for product designers. Now we introduce the endless possibilities of Shapeways apps. Think about it: Just as new materials at Shapeways have created new product categories, this API creates the opportunity for developers all over the world to make apps that make products. In 2012, 8,000 Shapeways Shop Owners earned nearly $500,000 in profits, and many of these Shop Owners were app developers who took advantage of our tools for mass customization. We are bringing the power of digital fabrication to the masses, and Shapeways’ mission is becoming reality.

This first release of our API focuses on our marketplace and manufacturing. We’ve tried to make life easy for developers to upload 3D models, sell to others, and 3D print in over 30 materials and finishes including our newest material Premium Silver. The functionality available via the 3D Printing API is continually growing, so if you are coding with us, you should regularly check our docs or the browse the JSON discovery (get JSON View). We have also developed several reference clients that showcase the API functionality and can help you get started right away!

Die API sowie Dokumentationen findet man auf

via Shapeways