Sexy 3D-Druck – Corsage aus dem Drucker

Auf Thingiverse findet man mittlerweile viele Exoten. Dies ist einer davon.

Le Fab Shop, ein französischer Händler für 3D-Drucker und Fablab stellt ein personalisierbares Corset zum selber Ausdrucken zu Verfügung.

Als Valentinstag Geschenk machte Samuel N. Bernier seiner Freundin ein persönliches Geschenk. Er scannte den Oberkörper von ihr und designte eine Corsage herum. Auf Thingiverse findet sich eine genaue Anleitung über den Prozess.

Ein paar nützliche Tips vom Designer Bernier:

This is probably the most tricky part because you have to find an excuse to “scan” her without letting her think that you are up to something exciting (like creating her own personnal piece of lingery).

Just say that you wan’t to print a miniature statue of her for your desk, or something that doesn’t sound silly. Miniatures are also a cool gift, but it’s starting to lack originality.

One great Valentine’s day present (that can be enjoyed by both the boy and the girl) is “lingerie”. Paris is the heaven of beautiful lingery with famous french brands such has Aubade and Chantal Thomas. You would be surprised by how much these small pieces of material can cost. The only real problem is that you are not allowed to make a mistake on the size. It would send the wrong message…

Try to get a good resolution from her neck to her hips. This is what you’ll need. If she can wear light and skin-tight  clothes, it will make your job easier. You can also go for the “Venus” type of statue…

Once you got the scan, do what you told her and print the miniature.
Now that she has no suspicion about your project, the real work begins.

via Thingiverse & Instructables