BEEPOINT der neue 3D-Druck Service für Portugal

Der portugiesische 3D-Drucker Produzent BEEVERYCREATIVE startet 3D-Druck Service.

Dieser Service soll aus 3D-Druckern bestehen, die in traditionellen Druck Stores und bei Elektronik Retailern platziert werden. Online wählt man sein Design und holt dieses dann bei dem Geschäft seiner Wahl ab. BEEPOINT startet im RepairStroe in El Corte Inglés in Gaia, Portugal. Weitere Expansion in andere Länder ist geplant.

Die komplette Pressemeldung:

Ever wondered when 3D printingserviceswould become available in a store near you? BEEVERYCREATIVE has just launched the BEEPOINT –3D Print Service in Portugal, with the aim of creating a 3D printing service point in every electronics retailer and traditional printing store, offering access to 3D printing technology to everyone all over the country.

The BEEPOINT will enable customers to print 3D models on demand, which can be downloaded from online galleries orcreated by or that you have created yourself.

The conditions for companies to have a BEEPOINT are very enticing, with this type of printing servicehaving the potential to bevery profitable for the companies that decide to adhere.

The first BEEPOINT will be opened very soon at the RepairStore, in El Corte Inglés in Gaia, with another one already planned for the PiP eco Spot in Braga.

And soon, the BEEPOINT will also become available in the countries where BEETHEFIRST is already sold.