BEEVERYCREATIVE sichert sich Distributionsvertrag mit WYNIT für die USA

Der 3D-Drucker Hersteller BEEVERYCREATIVE kann sich WYNIT als Distributor für den nordamerikanischen Markt sichern.

Damit steigt der europäische Hersteller in den wichtigen Markt der USA ein. WYNIT, der neue Großhändler und erste Quelle in den USA für BEEVERYCREATIVE konnte sich schon einige Verträge mit Schlüsselherstellern sichern.


WYNIT is a leading national distributor of products from the top national brands in the consumer electronics, photo, wide format printing, security and outdoor leisure and adventure industries.
We are thrilled with the start of sales in the US through our partnership with Wynit. BEETHEFIRST, our first 3D printer, has been distinguished with 4 international awards and it’s ideal for all those who just need to print and want to avoid all the hassle around it. It’s sleek but robust, and it can easily be transported from your home to your office in a specially designed BEEPACK. We expect a good response from demanding US customers, who are already giving us the incentive to keep improving and moving forward.