Das 3MF Consortium veröffentlicht Version 1.1 des Dateiformats und Farbe kündigt sich an!

Mcor und das 3MF Consortium haben eine Meldung veröffentlicht, die auf das Dateiformat abzielt.

Mcor, der Hersteller von 3D Druckern auf Basis von Papier meldet, dass die Software Orange die ältere SliceIT komplett abgelöst hat. Orange wurde gemeinsam mit dem Arke vorgestellt und unterstützt 3D Modelle in Farbe, nicht zuletzt wegen der Kompatibilität mit dem 3MF Format.

Dr. Conor MacCormack, Gründer und CEO von Mcor:

“We are in this business to expand the possibilities of 3D printing and make it accessible to everyone, so we couldn’t be more excited about our new support for 3MF through Mcor Orange Software. Without a doubt, this is huge news for the entire 3D design and printing industry, and will have positive implications moving forward.”

3MF soll alle Vorteile der verschiedensten Dateiformate für 3D Modelle verbinden und wird von einem Consortium vieler Spezialisten entwickelt. Diese haben für die Version 1.1 einige Änderungen an der grundsätzlichen Struktur des Formats verändert.

Hier ist die komplette Pressemeldung des 3MF Consortiums mit den Änderungen an dem Format:

I’m pleased to announce that the 3MF Consortium has released its first update to the 3MF Core Specification (Available for download here). Version 1.1 is the latest proof of the 3MF Consortium’s commitment to defining a 3D printing format that will allow design applications to send full-fidelity 3D models to a mix of other applications, platforms, services and printers.

First of all, what hasn’t changed. All features and structures of the core specification are retained, thereby preserving the investment made by developers. The namespace remains unchanged because this update does not break any existing parsers.

What has changed? In response to feedback from our user community, we’ve made a number of updates to clarify content, add detail, and improve support objects:

Page 13: Restriction to absolute paths within the package. This was already true in the XSD schema, but is now reminded in the text.
Page 15: Restricted XML content to UTF-8 to simplify parsers. We added a reminder of how XML namespace inheritance works.
Pages 25-28: Added object type “solidsupport,” which like a model, must be manifold (hence solid). Objects of type “support” are not intended as solid objects, but as thin walls (regardless of whether they are manifold or not) to be manufactured at the machine’s precision. This ensures no ambiguity in whether support structures should be filled or not.
Page 31: Restriction that base materials cannot form gradients, in order to ensure that splitting edges in a core-spec 3MF still results in a core-spec 3MF, rather than requiring composite materials from the materials and properties extension.
Page 46: The only change to the XSD schema is to add “solidsupport.”

As with the core specification, Version 1.1 continues to support English and Japanese.

Thanks to all of our users and the work of our consortium members in bringing Version 1.1 together!