Gartner Report prognostiziert kostengünstige “Enterprise-Class 3D Printer”

Das Research Institut Gartner, stellte heute einen neuen Report über 3D-Drucktechnologien vor. Laut Gartner sollen demnach Unternehmen die bereits heute mit “3D Printing Technology” experimentieren, künftig einen Vorteil haben.

Gartner bescheinigt in einem aktuellen Report der 3D-Drucktechnologie erneut eine positive Zukunft. Schon letztes Jahr prognostizierte das angesehene Research Institut einen Hype der Technologie in 5 Jahren. Im aktuellen Report geht Gartner davon aus, dass sich Geräte und Material weiter verbessern und die Preise weiter sinken werden. Unternehmen hätten bereits jetzt die Chance einen lestbaren 3D-Drucker zu erwerben, damit zu experimentieren und traditionelle Entwicklungs- und Produktionsprozesse zu Optimieren.

The material science behind 3D printing processes and materials will continue to progress, and affordable 3D printers are lowering the cost of entry into manufacturing in the same way that e-commerce lowered the barriers to the sale of goods and services. As a result, the 3D printer market will continue moving from niche adoption to broad acceptance, driven by lower printer prices, the potential for cost and time savings, greater capabilities, and improved performance that drives benefits and markets.

Professionelle “enterprise-class 3D Printer” sollen laut Gartner bereits 2016 unter $2000 zu haben sein.

3D printers are now priced so that any size business can invest in them and start experimenting with the myriad ways to monetize them. By 2016, enterprise-class 3D printers will be available for under $2,000. Early adopters can experiment with 3D printers with minimal risk of capital or time, possibly gaining an advantage in product design and time to market over their competition, as well as understanding the realistic material costs and time to build parts. Furthermore, enterprise uses for 3D printers have expanded as capabilities of 3D scanners and design tools have advanced, and as the commercial and open-source development of additional design software tools has made 3D printing more practical. Gartner believes that the commercial market for 3D print applications will continue expanding into architectural, engineering, geospatial and medical uses, as well as short-run manufacturing.

Der vollständige Report, kann bei Gartner um US$195 erworben werden.

via Gartner