Optomec vermeldet Rekord Umsätze

Der amerikanische 3D-Technologie Hersteller Optomec, vermeldet im Jahr 2013 Rekordumsätze.

Der für die Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) Technologie bekannte Hersteller Optomec (bsp. LENS 450) verkündet einen 100% Anstieg an Buchungen im ersten Halbjahr 2013, im Vergleich zur selben Periode 2012. Der Anstieg wurde LENS 3D Printers (45%) für “Structural Metals” und “Aerosol Jet” (55%) Systeme verursacht, wie sie beispielsweise für 3D gedruckte Elektronik und Antennen zum Einsatz kommen.

Die Geräte wurden beispielsweise an Hersteller in China verkauft, die damit Antennen in mobilen Geräten drucken.

“The first 6 months were a tremendous start to our year with strong global demand for both Aerosol Jet and LENS systems (…) The Optomec product line-up remains highly differentiated in the additive manufacturing space, with our ability to print fully functional metal and electronic components at low cost and with very high output rates. We expect to continue on this growth trajectory as industry’s adoption of such solutions is only accelerating. (…) We are particularly encouraged by recent progress with our introduction of a production solution for 3D Printed Antennas used in Smartphones, Tablets and other Mobile Devices. The first high-throughput system, capable of printing up to 2 million parts per year, has been commissioned at a contract manufacturer in China, and we are engaged with many other leading suppliers. Demand for this solution is being driven by a significantly lower cost profile, coupled with environmental and health benefits derived from eliminating plating in the production process.” so Dave Ramahi, CEO von Optomec.

via Optomec