LIA Filament Sculptures: österreichische Kunst aus dem 3D-Drucker

Die österreichische digitale Künstlerin LIA erzeugt mithilfe einer eigens entwickelten Applikation, kunstvolle Filament Skulpturen.

i explored the behaviour of a 3D printer and its filament (developing my own software in the process) to create a new kind of sculpture, native to the medium.

behaviours discovered:
1. surfaces can be continuous or chaotic
2. lines can be rigid or organic
3. filament can be closely controlled or let free to find its own form

construction methodologies:
1. “strings and blobs”
2. letting filament pile up on itself
3. under-constrained wall-building
4. natural collapse

4_ outcome
series of sculptures are discovered by exploring the parameter space of a base model

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(c) Picture & Link: / Liasomething