Shapeways CEO über die Zukunft des 3D-Drucks

In einem Interview gegenüber GigaOM, spricht Peter Weijmarhausen, CEO von Shapeways über das innovative Unternehmen und die Zukunft von 3D-Druck. 

Nach der kürzlich erhaltenen Finanzierung von über $6.2 Millionen spricht Weijmarhausen, über seine Vorstellungen einer Zunkunft mit 3D-Drucker. Dabei spricht er über den Übergang von Massenproduktion zur individualisierten-Produktion.

“Production will be completely changed by this technology. There’s a lot of things that will be mass produced because we need bulk and standards, but there are so many products you can make custom,(…) If you can’t buy something, you can just make it.”

“Mass production has given us everything we want and then some but it’s all standardized and based on the lowest common denominator. But the trend you see on the web and everywhere is people are making things by hand and there are artisans again and where 3-D printing comes in is the need for people to get exactly what they want,” 

“We need to let people create what they want so there’s a variety; millions of products,” said Weijmarshausen. “We haven’t seen anything yet.”

(c) Picture & Link: GigaOM