Autodesk gibt Pläne bekannt 925 Mitarbeiter abzubauen

In einer Presse Aussendung gibt Autodesk neue Pläne für eine Umstrukturierung der Firma bekannt, um den Umstieg auf Cloud- und Abonnement-basierte Services.

Diese Umstrukturierungspläne beinhalten auch 925 Mitarbeiter (rund 10%) abzubauen.

Carl Bass, President und CEO von Autodesk:

“As we progress through our business model transition, we continue to take a comprehensive look at our company to see where we can be more effective and efficient. To realize maximum value for both our customers and shareholders, and as a follow-on to previously discussed cost reduction actions, we are restructuring so we can focus resources on areas that will accelerate the move to the cloud and transition to a subscription-based business.”

Autodesk ist seit seiner Erfindung von AutoCAD im Jahr 1982 bekannt für seine Design Software. Seit einigen Jahren bietet das Unternehmen auch 3D Design Software für Einsteiger unter der beliebten 123D App Reihe.

Bass führt weiter aus:

“To be clear, the restructuring announced today is not related to anything we are seeing in the macro-economic environment. We ended fiscal 2016 on a high note with very strong fourth-quarter billings growth and continued demand for our subscription offerings. Solid revenues, coupled with continued cost-controls, led to better than expected non-GAAP EPS during the quarter. I’m pleased we were able to deliver these results at such a critical moment in Autodesk’s transition.”