BeeVeryCreative kündigt Zusammenarbeit mit OMNI3D an

Der portugiesische 3D-Drucker Produzent BEEVERYCREATIVE kündigt in der neuesten Meldung die Zusammenarbeit mit dem polnischen Team von OMNI3D an.

Die beiden Unternehmen werden sich über technische Probleme austauschen und so die Forschung und Entwicklung ihrer Produkte und Projekte vorantreiben. Die ersten gemeinsamen Projekte werden BEEVERYCREATIVEs BEECONNECT und OMNI3Ds AirEnergy3D Windturbine.

Auszug aus der Pressemeldung:

The Portuguese company BEEVERYCREATIVE and the Polish company OMNI3D have joined forces in selected projects to move 3D printing technology forwardtogether, and it’s something that we are very pleased to announce. The purpose of this cooperation is to create synergies in both of the brands’ R&D areas, with the goal of sharing knowledge and coming up with solutions for the challenges faced by this technology on a daily basis.We are certain that this sharing of knowledge is a beneficial way of moving forward, and we want to make this idea real.


BEECONNECT by BEEVERYCREATIVE –BEECONNECT is the add-on that will allow users to remotely control BEETHEFIRST 3D Printer. This is an OpenSource project available here:

AE3D by OMNI3D -First mobile green energy generator that you can carry camping with you! A 3D printed, foldable wind turbine boosting 300W of power!This project is also OpenSource and you can support it on Kickstarter. In the near future, our R&D teams will be working together in order turn these projects into attractive and useful tools for allusers.

Anyone who can identify with this spirit of common shared ideasis welcome to get in touch.


Weiters kündigt BEEVERYCREATIVE weiters einen Fokus in der Schule an. Das Projekt läuft unter dem Namen “3D in Schools” und soll 3D-Druck in jede Schule in Portugal bringen.

We believe that 3D printing will give rise to a profound revolution in both current production methods and the very way we live, adding value to society and contributing to a better world.New generations will be the engine behind this change in paradigm, so we see spreading 3D printing throughout Educational Systems as vital.The successful adoption of this technology may give a countrya more competitive edge, contributing in no small part to the well-being of its people.

Bei der Lisbon Design Show von 8. bis 14.Oktober wird BEEVERYCREATIVE das Projekt präsentieren.