Home 3D Drucker selbst bauen R.U.M.B.A – neues all-in-one Elektronik Board für RepRaps

R.U.M.B.A – neues all-in-one Elektronik Board für RepRaps

In einer aktuellen Indiegogo Kampagne präsentiert Elvira Yang mit RUMBA, ein neues “all-in-one” Board für RepRap Drucker.

Das Board mit dem Namen RUMBA (R.eprap U.niversal M.ega B.oard with A.llegro driver) soll als all-in-one Lösung mehrere Funktionen übernehmen uns so Kosten sparen.

Technische Spezifikationen:

* fully integrated all in one solution
– Arduino 2560-R3 compatible (works with Sprinter, Repetier, Marlin out of the box)
(easy to change/flash firmware for end user)
– ATmega16U2 (with enhanced firmware) for high speed USB serial connection (up to 2MBit)

– can be used with 12V-35V for motors / heated bed
– integrated high precision power regulators for:
– 12V (FAN/Light/…)
– 5V (ATmega2560/Logic)
– power input selector for ATmega/logic (stand alone or power from USB)

* easy DISPLAY + SD-CARD connector
  – RepRapDiscount SmartController compatible pin header on board

* up to 6 motor driver with easy micro stepping setup (micro switches)
 – TRIPLE extruder
– DUAL Z driver and DUAL extruder
– …

* 5x temperature ADC connectors
 – e.g. 3x extruder thermistor + 1x heated bed thermistor + 1x chamber thermistor

* 5x PWM capable power mosfet outputs (3 with voltage selector for MainPower/12V)
– e.g. 3x (MainPower) extruder heater cartridge/power resistor + 1x (12V) fan + 1x (12V) light

* 1x PWM capable power mosfet with extended cooling area for heated bed

* 6x end stop connectors with power supply
 – Xmin/Xmax/Ymin/Ymax/Zmin/Zmax
– can be used for mechanical, opto, hall, … end stops

* screw terminals *and* pin header for easy motor connection
 – can be used with existing 4 pin Molex plug on motor cable
– easy to attach cables without plug

* USB connector and pin header
– pin header is useful when mounting in a small box

* Power and ALL unused pins available on EXP-3 feature connector
 – +5V and +12V
– 2x ADC
– 2x PWM I/O
– 4x I/O
– I2C

* full JTAG support
– JTAG can be used during full operation (no shared pins)
(easy to develop/debug new or optimized firmware using Atmel Studio)

Das Gerät wird als Open Hardware angeboten, überschritt bereits das geplante Finanzierungs-Ziel um etwa das 5-fache und soll bereits ab 28.Januar verschickt werden. Zur Auswahl stehen unterschiedliche Kits zwischen $59 und $199.

(c) Picture & Link: Elvira Yang via Indiegogo

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