Home Marktbericht Lilach Payorski neue CFO bei Stratasys

Lilach Payorski neue CFO bei Stratasys

Stratasys ernennt Lilach Payorski, derzeit Senior Vice President Corporate Finance bei Stratasys, zur neuen CFO mit 1. Januar 2017.

Payorski folgt Erez Simha, der die vergangen fünf Jahre als CFO und COO bei Stratasys tätig war und mit Ende des Jahres zurücktritt. Simha wird weiterhin im Unternehmen bleiben um das Management in operativen und finanziellen Belangen zu unterstützen.

Lilach Payorski ist Stratasys im Dezember 2012 beigetreten und bringt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Finanzwesen mit. Sie war unter anderem bei PMC Sierra, CheckPoint Software Technologies, Wind River Systems und Ernst & Young tätig.

Stratasys CEO Ilan Levin sagt in der Pressemeldung des Unternehmens:

“I am very pleased that we have a strong internal successor in Lilach Payorski. As SVP of Corporate Finance, she has proven to be a key leader within Stratasys and has the full confidence of me and the board of directors in assuming the role of CFO. I am confident in the finance organization’s ability to smoothly manage through this leadership transition.”

“During his 5 year tenure, Erez has made very significant contributions to the company, first in his role as chief financial officer and then broadening his role to include operations as well. During that time, he has built a strong infrastructure in both finance and operations, and helped the company evolve its capital structure and capital allocation approach to support our objectives. I thank him for his years of service to the company.”

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