Home 3D-Drucker Stratasys Stratasys und Graphene Technologies bekommen Förderungen

Stratasys und Graphene Technologies bekommen Förderungen

Die Israel und US – Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation unterstützt 11 Projekte mit 9 Millionen $.

Eines dieser Projekte ist die gemeinsame Forschung von dem israelischen Konzern Stratasys und dem kalifornischen Unternehmen Graphene Technologies. Diese wird sich um die Möglichkeiten durch den Einsatz von Graphen in 3D-druckbaren Materialien drehen. Graphen ist ein extrem festes Material, welches aus Grafit gewonnen wird und aus Schichten von nur einer Atomhöhe bestehen kann.

Mr. Avi Hasson, Chief Scientist des Israel Ministry of Economy und Co-Chairman von BIRD’s Board of Governors:

The United States is a leading R&D partner of Israel in the various programs of the Office of the Chief Scientist. The BIRD Foundation continues to be the central vehicle in implementing strategic cooperation between the countries in the areas of Innovation and Technology. The success of the BIRD Foundation provides a solid base for further expansion of cooperation with the United States, through Federal R&D programs and programs with various States, where the Chief Scientist has finalized agreements during the last two years.

Über Bird:

The BIRD (Binational Industrial Research and Development) Foundation works to encourage cooperation between Israeli and American companies in various areas of technology, and provides free assistance in locating strategic partners from both countries for developing joint products.

The BIRD Foundation supports projects without receiving any rights in the participating companies or in the project itself. The financial assistance is repaid as royalties from sales. The Foundation provides support of up to 50% of a project’s budget, beginning with R&D and ending with the initial stages of sales and marketing. The Foundation shares the risk and does not demand that the investment be repaid if the project fails to reach the sales stage.

via Bird

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